
Emmy Phung

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Hi, I am a Machine Learning Engineer soon to be graduating from my MS in Data Science at NYU (May 2021).

I aspire to turn ideas into actionable solutions and unlock new potentials from data with my solid programming skills and theoretical knowledge in data science.

Community Project

Data Science in Brief (Non-Profit Organization - Learning Community)
Founder & Executive Director

Data Science in Brief (@DSinbrief), is a non-profit organization, a learning community that aims at 1) sharing knowledge to inspire young learners and to keep experienced scientists updated with state-of-the-art practices & applications; and 2) connecting young Data Science enthusiasts – learners – practitioners with leading experts in the field for learning and career opportunities.

• Reached 11,000 readers within the 1st month (organically)
• Hosted Data Science in Brief 2020: Beyond Textbooks, a series of 4 online technical workshops and career panels (in 2 days) covering Machine Learning algorithms, self-study tips, career advancement advice, etc. Welcomed 10 guest speakers from Apple, Microsoft, Google, Etsy, Salesforce, etc. and successfully attracted 615 live viewers across 4 online workshops.
• Hosted Data Science in Brief 2019: Hands-on Experience & Career Navigation, a full-day conference in Vietnam that welcomed 146 attendees and 10 guest speakers from giant tech companies (Google, Hitachi, FPT Worldwide) and top universities (Johns Hopkins, NYU, etc.).

Founder’s Story

I like the 3rd saying because unlike the others, it shows a proactive mentality. We should not be reacting with the changes around us - but we are proactively making the change we want to see in our life and our community.

This is my mentality when founding Data Science in Brief.

As an Economics & Mathematics student pivoting into Data Science, I had been looking for a community to share knowledge, learn and grow with others. The desire to be part of a young community of data science learners and the fact that I had not found one motivates me to create one. As soon as I had this idea, I have posted about it on other online science communities to ask for feedback and one of them was Data Science & Big Data Vietnam. I was surprised to receive so much positive feedback and support from my peers, strangers and even professionals in the field within just 20 hours.

After planning and drafting the very first few articles, I published Data Science in Brief - a science page and an online community that connects DS enthusiasts, learners and practitioners. We are initiating an effort in strengthening the DS community in Vietnam, which has remained a challenge to current institutes, training agencies and even big companies.


Our missions are knowledge sharing and community building.

We promote knowledge sharing by providing quality summaries of articles or blog posts about everything a data scientist should know. we want to bring data science closer to the public, to inspire young learners and to keep experienced scientists updated with sota practices & applications. We do it by nurturing a Facebook group where everyone is encouraged to raise a voice.

As a community, we help data science enthusiasts navigate through their career choices. Experts come to share their experience and be a resource for younger learners and learners come to ask questions and to learn. This way we also help young data science learners navigate through grad school & career options, which is by connecting them with leading data scientists for learning and career advice.